Food Allergy Experience

An allergic Child’s Week of Suppers (3)

Here’s our menu plan for this week, sorry its a bit late. I’ve adjust it a bit due to unexpected traveling plans for me on Monday, but flexibility is key. Everything on my menu, of course, is Little Guy safe.

Monday: Honey Mustard Chicken, Potato, Oranges

Tuesday: Steak and Green Beans in Gravy over Rice

Wednesday: Porkchops, Veggies, Rice

Thursday: BBQ Chicken Drumsticks, Veggies, Potatoes

Friday: Homemade Beef Veggie Soup

Saturday: Meatballs, Potatoes, Corn

Sunday: Rotissourie Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans



  1. The menu looks great. Can you tell me what his big food allergies? I don’t need the entire list but am curious. I could never list all mine in a post and it would get boring.

    • His list is not overly long: wheat, eggs, peanuts, soy, milk, mango, shellfish. We avoid nuts due to the peanut allergy.


  1. Menu Plan Monday #22 | Pa-BLAM!

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